Tuesday, February 24, 2015

a few changes!

okayti silver needle darjeeling.

So as some of you may notice ... the URL for the blog has changed from sageandspice.com to teaconjurer.com! I've been dissatisfied with the name of the blog for the longest time, but never had the motivation to actually change anything. I then thought that perhaps updating the blog's identity to better suit me would not only cure my dissatisfaction, but also give me incentive to do some spring cleaning with the look and feel of the site! ❤

I'm the gal that makes tea magically appear wherever I go so the title is fitting. :)

Unfortunately I am having difficulties getting sageandspice.com to forward to this URL automatically. I think it's because I bought my domain through google admin services (biggest mistake ever) and it's just not budging to let me forward it. Any advice, fellow identity changing bloggers?

1 comment :

  1. I love the new look! The header is particularly lovely.

    I hope the identity change helps your motivation. It is always lovely to see your posts.


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